Some Frequently Asked Questions:

What can I expect at a meeting?

No two meetings are exactly the same. However, if you’re feeling anxious about attending a meeting for the first time, there are a few things that you can expect at The May Club.

Parking is available behind the building, you’ll see a door with the AA symbol on it (a circle with a triangle inside of it). We also have picnic tables and smoking areas for socializing before or directly after meetings.

Self serve coffee is available to all attendees in the kitchen, no fee is required but we do ask for donations.

You can sit anywhere you please, but the table at the front is reserved for the person chairing the meeting and a speaker if there is one.

Most of our meetings are discussion based; the chairperson leads the group with a specific topic or reading from our literature. The chairperson either asks for volunteers or calls on attendees to share their experience in regard to the topic.

How long does a meeting last?

Meetings last for one hour. Sometimes meetings will run longer/shorter, but the majority of our meetings run for no more than an hour.

Can I come late or leave early if I have a conflict in my schedule?

Yes! It's not unusual for folks to trickle into the clubhouse for the first 15-20 minutes of the meeting or excuse themselves before it has finished.

What if I have to get a paper signed for a judge or sober living house?

That’s how a lot of us got here! Be sure to place your slip in the donation basket when we pass it around half-way through the meeting and the chairperson will sign it for you. We only ask that you stay for the remainder of the meeting and grab your slip from the front table at the end of the meeting out of respect for the other attendees.

What’s the difference between open and closed meetings?

Some of our meetings are designated for a specific demographic. Closed meetings are for those who identify as, and are willing to introduce themselves as alcoholics. Open meetings are exactly that… open, to just about anyone! These are especially helpful if a friend or family member wants to come and support or better understand your recovery, if you are a college student or health professional required to attend a 12 Step meeting for educational purposes, or if you’re not sure whether or not you’re an alcoholic yet. You’ll also notice that we have Al-Anon meetings, meetings exclusively for Women, and meetings exclusively for Men as well.

What if I’m a drug addict?

We understand that not everybody that has lived with addiction is comfortable identifying as an alcoholic. If this is the case for you, and you’d like to attend a closed meeting of Alcoholics Anonymous, please introduce yourself as “having a desire not to drink.”

Do I have to dress up?

Only if you want to! There is no required dress code at any of our meetings.

Does it cost money to go to a meeting?

No! Meetings are 100% free to anybody that attends. We do however, pass a basket around half way thru the meeting in honor of the 7th Tradition stating, "Every A.A. group ought to be fully self supporting, declining outside contributions." This means that we don't accept money from any companies, corporations or government agencies. Instead, we rely exclusively on the donations we receive from within the group. Some attendees don't donate at all, others donate $5, but most give $1 or $2. This helps us pay our rent, keep coffee available, and ensure that our lights stay on.